Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

Pancake Day!

In honor of the UK's Pancake Day, jessie put up a drawling contest on the chobot's blog:, and I am entering this drawling contests. Hope you like it, and you too jessie! have a great Pancake Day if you live in the UK!

PS, that is my pet Atari; if you want to know why I named him Atari I will post it in my pro-file.


Monday, February 8, 2010

Awsome Blog!

Hey guys im back to say please check out my friend's Awsome blog:
It is amazing! Thanks:)


Contest #4

Research time! This time on the history of........Chobots! Tell me all you know about chobots, including when it was created, by who, and why? Winner will receive 1000 bugs! So go out and research the history of Chobots: also extra credit if you include Nichos, and if you put your research into a story! So go and have fun reaching!


New Chobot Style

Omg i can't believe that chobots changed the way our chobots look! I honestly think it was a bad choice, but no offence to you if you like the new look. I will post a poll up for you to vote if you like the new or old style better. So please vote. Also, don't forget the contests I have going on.

I will post the wining vote next week. Remember chat and play every day!


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Contest #3

Decorate a blog header and leave a link to your blog showing off your header!
Rules: you have to be a chobot, have a blog:P, and must be a working link.
I will choose 3 winners and they will receive a perment add to my friends list.
The contest ends Friday Feb-12-10.
Good luck and get started decorating


Pome Contest

Dress me up

Hey guys! time to dress me up! The contest ends next Sunday and the winner will recive a perment adding on my friends list! Please leave a link to your picture; make sure it works!

Have fun:)