Friday, July 30, 2010

Oh my!

Hey guys i found real mimo he really exists

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Awsome ;)

hey guys im going to give out a chocolat award its new and i think its so cool and funny ok so here it is the winner is Adora:D shes just loving and we all love her hope you have a great day adora and all the other cho's.
look at Mondays Video watch it :D

Monday, July 26, 2010

A HUGE Thanks To Millie!

A huge thanks to my friend Millie80080! If you have not see her blog, u are missing out!
Thanks guys!=D

This is for you dot,from adora and lacky

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Space Race Time

Woot! Its time for another contest! Have fun space racing!


Shout Out Sunday!

Hey guys lacky here ok SoS time today's goes to Hollyrox2 for being really nice and awesome look see you guys next Sunday ;]

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Time To Recomend!

Ok guys, its that time again to recommend the ones we want to become agents! I wish luck to all of you and i cant wait to know who made it!


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Happy 400 Adora!

Happy 400 Adora! I hope your day is fun and cheerful! I hope you have a great day on your 400th day on Chobots, the best family game! =D

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Chobots news

Hi again! I want to give a Big thanks to Dannyotoy/Dot,  for congratulating me! Iwould like to say HAPPY 500 B-DAY DOT! We will celebrate when you come on and are ready, or  make a post on what day we could have a nice big party hope to see you soon!
Latterz XD


Congrats Lacky!

Congrats Lacky for wining a paint brush! You really deserve it! If you have not seen one of Lacky's pics, look on the right side of my blog! She drew the dalmatian! Once again, congrats Lacky, you are really talented! =D


Im Back!!!

Hey Guys! Dot here back from his vacation! As you can tell, on my vacation i went to San Antonio! It was a lot of fun! I went to Sea World and to the Alamo! I will be posting more now that I'm back! I just want to thank my followers! You guys rock! Also, i give a lot of thanks to my author, Lacky! Thank you guy! =D


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Shout Out Sunday!

today's shout out goes to "Pig" just for being one of the oldest chobots around.
did you know Pig turned 600 two days ago in this time.
see you next Sunday:D

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Chocolate Party Video!

I hope to see you there! =D


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Chocolate Party Tomorrow!

Woot!!! Chocolate day is tomorrow! That means party on Chobots!!! WOOT!

Date: Tomorrow, the 7th of July
Time: 21:00 Cho time.
Place: Cafe
City: Chocolate!

Are you going? If so, I'll see you there=D


Monday, July 5, 2010

Art Contest!!!

Hello chobots! Dot here with my very first art contest! The pic u must draw is, your favorite thing on chobots! Here are the rules, I will except hand drawn, chobots wall, paint, and clip art. The winners will have there masterpiece displayed on my blog, and if u arn't already, i will add u as my friend! I will post the winners in a few weeks, so you have plenty of time to enter! So have fun, and be creative!


New Blog Link!!

Do you like it??=D


new time

like my vid i made? :D

-Lacky :D

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Did you have fun? I hope you did!=D Happy Independence Day!


Saturday, July 3, 2010

Independence Day!

There is a huge party tomorrow! Its the USA's Independence Day!
the party starts tomorrow, the fourth, at 21:00 Cho time!
The location: Park, every server!!!! WOOT!!
There will be magic and fun for everyone!!!=D


Friday, July 2, 2010

New Poster!

hey im lackygirl123 and im a new poster on dannyotoys blgo hope you like me ill be making some cool posts bye bye for now :D

New Author!

Hey people of cho! I am Dannyotoy and i am glad to announce our new author! Lackygirl123! Congrats Lacky!=D


New Items!

Don't forget to check these awesome new items out!