Monday, January 17, 2011

Design Valentines Items! :)

Hi there, Boy11 here.

We are almost to finish January and we are about to reach Feburary (St. Valentines Day).

Hiki has asked us to design some Valentine clothes for our Monthly Citizenship Cataloge! ^.^ Woot! I'm so happy! :) I will start right away.

Good luck! ;D

Until next time,

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Space Racing Contest

Hello there, Boy11 here.

Space Racing Game has finally came and moderators gave you a small contest to participate! ^.^

Good luck to everyone! :]

Until next time,

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Chopix is Back

Hey there, Boy11 here.

Chopix is back in the town! :) So put on your goggles and find those spy Nichos to keep our City safe.

Good luck! ^.^

Until next time,

lol weird glitch o_O

Hey guys chopix is back but in an odd way look at this glitch right here! lol santa is on top of chopix lol  poor chopix well i hope you have fun earning bugs and finding spies :))

Sunday, January 9, 2011

200th Post; Where has Chobots been???

Where has Chobots been lately??? There has been no post in a week on the blog! Whats going on? Dose any one have any idea? If so, please leave a comment! On the other hand, Dannyotoy's Chobots Mania has reached 200 posts! Thanks guys! I couldn't have done it with out my authors, Lackygirl123, Dell77, Bakugon, Prizes, and epically Boy11! Thanks guys! you rock!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Quickee Party with Royal! ^^

Hey everyone, Boy11 here.

I'm not good at titles, but anyways I'm telling you that Royal came to make a party for us! x) She was so nice! :D She made a really long party with us! ^^ Thank you so much, Royal.

By the way, she even showed a B Day Cake for me from my 550 B Day. Thank you so so much! :]

(Click here to view full size)

Thank you so much Royal, and for the ones who told me Happy B Day! :]

Here are some party pictures from Royal's long party:

Awesome! :o

V.I.C shirts! :P Pretty cool, huh? x)

My favourite picture! xD

Well that's all. I think this was my best B-day party and quickee party! x)

Thanks Royal! :3

Until next time,

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sneak Peak of New Game

Hello there, Boy11 here.

Take a look at this sneak peak of the newest game, which they might put on soon! ^^

(Click image to enlarge)

Isn't it cool! :o I found this small game at Kymaster's Blog but I'm not sure if he made it, because I heard Epic (Tovictory) saying that Kymaster didn't make it! ^^ So who knows? Could it be on soon? :o

Stay tuned,

Monday, January 3, 2011

Epic Movie 7

Hey there, Boy11 here!

It's finally here! :D EPIC movie 7 is finally here! :] CLICK HERE to watch in now or right here:

Pure EPICNESS, right? xD I totally loved it! ^^

Until next time,

Where did the time go?

Hey all my marshmellows :D

Well yeah blame me havent been posting for a while been busy with what iv got becomming an agent thank you for all who voted to as a side note!

but anyway came back from my awesome trip from florida really fun time and no it wasent just disney land i went to orlando key west miami it was great well im happy to be back


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Action Video Contest Results

Hello chosters, Boy11 here.

Hey, check out the Official Chobots Blog because William has posted the video contest results - Action! ^-^




(My favourite one ROFL) xD

The videos were epic! :D For more information CLICK HERE.

Until next time,