Sunday, February 27, 2011


Hey guys dot here! I'm sorry i haven't posted much lately! i have gotten really busy! Also i have been working on designs for a new up coming game, Chewy Botz! Please check out the blog, and subscribe! So, im sorry i haven't been posting much lately! Id like tho thank boy11 for doing most of the posting and hopefully this summer, you  will see alot more post done by me! Take care guys!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

New Junior Updates

Hey there, Boy11 here.

New Clothes.. everday! Chobots Team has added 2 cool new clothing for juniours which are really fancy! ^^

Don't they look fancy? 8D

Until next time,

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New Updates

Hi there, Boy11 here.

Checking the catalog frequently is updated in Chobots now. xD Hehe, Hiki has added 2 items!

A Cookie Grab Item and a Glove, hehe I bet to cheer Chobots or 7wizards on the poll. xD The glove is for non-citizen and the Cookie Grab item is in the Crown Catalog. Don't you like cookies or cheering your favourite game of all times!? :))

Until next time,

Voting Time!

Hi there, Boy11 here.

Attention from Hikikomori guys! :O Remember the Readers Choice Awards 2011 for Best virtual game for kids and teens? :)

Hehe, well and 7wizards are in!! Yay! 8D Let's see who will be the next best virtual game this year, huh? >:D So time to vote! :) GO Chobots! :D

Until next time,

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Dino? :o

Hey there, Boy11 here. :)

Have you checked the catalog recently? :) Well theres a brand new item which our greatest Chobots Team updated in Chobots, the Dinosaur!

That's how the design looks and...

This is how it looks like when you are using it! ;)

Pretty cool, huh? :D I'm really loving this new Era and I hope for the ones who were saying the new Era was a steal from us, the Chobots or that is the most greedy game ever.. -.-" It's not true!! So I hope you learn a lesson and be thankfull at least! :P Oh by the way, the new Dinosaur costs 100k bugs and it's for non-citizens, not bad, right? :) Well the problem is that it's a little bit huge and good thing it's not that cheap.. otherwise Cafe st. will be a bit laggy everyone using the new item, but don't worry Chobots Team. :) The design is excellent, idea is creative and it's not a bad deal! ;)

See ya until next update,

Monday, February 14, 2011

Back to Posting Days

Hi guys, Boy11 here.

Well it seems that, I've been busy. Clearly.. really busy. o-o -Sigh- But I hope not anymore! :] I will be back on Posting Days for now on.

So I'm sorry, for other blogs that I haven't been posting.. I will try to post interesting and fun news, updates, parties, etc! ;)

Thank you for understanding,

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Wow! i cant belive it! Thanks so much guys! you rock!