Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Best Buddies!=D

Hey people of cho! DOT here again, and i just wanted to give a shoutout to some really great chobots! You might know them, may not, but they are truly great friends!
First we have Lackygirl123, she is a great friend and a good buddie! Next we have Purplerox92!
she is also a good friend of mine. Always there for me, and makes me laugh! Next. we have Juliagrape. she is also a really good friend, and like the other two, they all deserve to be agents! Last but not least, My friend Adora! She is a wonderful friend, and a great friend!
So, if u see any of these chobots, add them as your friend, because they really will be a friend that will always be there for you=D


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