Sunday, December 12, 2010

News! (;

Hey chobots, Boy11 here.

I'm sorry If I'm posting a bit late. :P Anyway, we have lots of news goin' on the Official Chobots Blog.

First of all, we have Chistochob here with us to help us keep our city clean! (; So put your cleaning suit and start helping him! :P

Next, we have our short Garbage Collector contest which ends in December 15th. So start participating! :) Good luck winners will receive a cool prize! ^^

Coming up next, our LATE (lol xD) Thanksgiving contest results. Lets see who they are:

Here is the best Thanksgiving graffiti art:




Congratulations guys! :) They will receive a brush! ;)

At last, it seems that Christmas is coming, right? x) Woot! I'm excited because christmas brings our family together! (; So William has made a new video contest and theme is ofcourse, Christmas.

William will choose 5 winners and best videos will be given out for:
  • Best Music Video
  • Best Story Video
  • Most Creative Video
  • Most factual
  • Most Festive
Good luck! For more information visit and you will see what exactly you should do. (;

Until next time,

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