Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sad news=...............(

Hey guys! dot here. i have some sad news. will not recive any post from me for a long time. there has not been a post in almost a month. my authors are busy and so am i. i really apperciate all the support and followers i have recived over the years! but as much as i hate to say it, this will probably be the last post on my blog for a long time or forever. I love all of you, in a friend way of course!=D if you would like to keep contact with me outside chobots, i have a youtube account. my user name is ypi314 check me out and please subscribe to me. i will miss all you guys and once again thanks for all the support! i am sorry if i upset you guys, espicically lackygirl123. she has become one of my best friends through chobots and i will suverly miss her. she is almost like a sister to me. i have grown apart form chobots and spend most my time on youtube. once again if you want to keep contact with me, dot, follow me on youtube! once again my user name is ypi314. i will be on chobots occaisonaly but not as much as i usually do.
untill next time guys, if there is one,, this has been dot  signing off=(


  1. i have thought about what i said and i changed my mind! you can keep posting boy!

  2. omg this almost made me cry man im going to miss this blog. But keep open i might be making a blog soon so be open
