Sunday, September 5, 2010

ahp entry

Hello! My name is Dannyotoy. I am currently 553 days old. I have a wonderful blog,, and I work on the very nice, and wonderful agent Adora's blog.

Being an agent would mean everything to me! I love to help others, and being an agent means I can do more of that! Also, I love my friends! They are really helpful, and inspiring, epically Lackygirl123!

I really think I deserve to be an agent because as I said, I love to help! Also, being an agent means that I can protect Chobots even more than I can now! Keeping Chobots safe is one of my top priorities. I am always there in sticky situations, helping others, braking up fights, and stopping bad chobots, which agents do very well. Also, I keep my calm in tough situations, which is very good when a chobot keeps braking the rules and makes u very mad.

I have very many agent friends, so I am very fimilliar to what agents do, job wise. They love helping others the best they can, they are always there for others in their time of need. When a situation gets out of hand, they are there to help the situation, and make sure that everyone else is ok.

I really admire all that the agents do for chobots, and I really hope that one day I can be beside them, agent to agent, helping them and others, as good chobots should do.

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