Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ahp Entry

Hello AHP! My name is Dannyotoy and i ma so glad that you chose me to make it to round one! As you can see, i drew myself just for this entry! Also i wanted to include this acronym about my name, and i did wright it on the paper, but when i took the pic, it didn't fit. So, ill tell you what i wrote:

Dedicated and devoted to helping others.
Always following the rules.
Near when things get out of hand.
Never let anyone go unhelped.
You wont be disoppointed.
On chobots almost every day, hanging
Together with my friends and protecting
Other chobots and making friends. I am so thankful that
You guys on AHP have helped me get one step closer to my dream

Some things i like to do are:
Playing with my friends on chobots
Creating things with Lego's
And playing and solving Rubik's cubes

Thanks for reading my entry!



  1. Great post, dot! Good luck!

  2. Ruik's Cubes, thoughs things are EVIL!
    But on the good side nice ahp report hope we both make it throuh!
