Saturday, August 28, 2010

Baseball Suit Mix Up?

Hey guys, I'm pretty sure that you have seen the updates. Did you notice that the baseball suit was out?
If not, it is, but the only problem is its $15! Well anyways, the reason i brought the subject up is because, i am the organal designer! OK guys, lets recall. In the month of April, i posted the baseball on my blog. To see the actual date, please follow link below...

As you can see, i posted the pic on April 10, 2010, four months before they finally released it as a purchessable item in the shop on Thursday, August 26, 2010. Now once again, lets recall back to the month of June. 2 Months after the post, i sent the pic into art to items. it was one of the first 4 items that month. to see the post, please follow link below...

Shortly after that post, the item showed up in the coming soon items catalog. Now that you are all caught up, i want you to take a look at the baseball suit, the new item and the one i designed, and please tell me if they look smiler in any way.

Now i know what you are wondering. Why on earth did bring this topic up? Well, as you can tell, i am the organial designer of this suit, and chobots has given me no credit over my design. So what do you think?
A. You are defiantly the orgaial designer of the suit
B. You are not the designer, someone else designed it before you.
C. I don't know if you are or not the designer.
D. Just forget about it, its not that important, even if you are the designer, i don't care.
E. ( create your own answer to the question)

So guys, please leave a comment about what you think, please leave a comment telling me what you guys think. Until later, this has been...


  1. Well, E) you had the idea, you didnt design it!
    This has happened to me before, I thought up and designed the flying carpet, then a month later it became an item of the month, but I idnt get it! I thought this was very unfair, but I just continued on, although I should have got credit! So partly D) as well!


  2. Hay! You deleted my comment? What was wrong with it D:

  3. Wow! Thats just sad! >:( I can't believe that you got no copy of it!

  4. well I love to creat art and make chobots items all the time. wait what are we talking about xD
    Love the mask Dot!!
