Saturday, August 21, 2010

what should i do?

Hey guys Lacky here and I'm here to ask some ppl for advice. See this hat here yeah I'm thinking about getting it because winter is coming and in Canada you might want a nice cozy winter hat.
anyway back to the point I'm not sure if i should get it? please leave a comment in the comments box your comments are really important to me because I'm not sure and I'm all confused should i get it or no and remember i LOVE Pokemon FYI(for your information) well please leave a comment because I need the help! ^^
Rate 5 stars if you like the hat too :D
Love lacky ^^


  1. lacky i have your awenser....
    PIKACHU! I chose you!

    lol, i used to be a huge fan of pokemon also!=D

    i think you should get the hat!!=D

  2. You used to? Pokemon is not just for boys you know :_ its for girls to so one comennt on the hat great :D
    Pokemon rocks and its for every age! >:D
