Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sad News About FreddyP9

Hey guys, dot here. I know most of u have already gotten the news. I just found out. I read the post on Chobotshelp.com, and on the first post, i found this news, writen by Sparky:

Hello, Chobots. Sparky2k9 here I just wanted to let you know about why I’m always busy, and what not. I really hope you take the WHOLE time to read all this, it would mean a lot to me.

I began my life like normal, I was a huge nerd in 1-4th grade and realized I’m not getting anywhere so i decided to change and not be a nerd, it worked… for a while… I then fell is love with a game called ‘Club Penguin’ and ran a very succesful site, which Smurfet the moderator on Chobots found. He left me a comment on my blog saying ‘Hello, Sparkyrulez2. I like your skills, would you care to make a deal?’ So I emailed the email he left, and it was totally real and not a scam… I then accepted his deal which was that if I advertised Chobots on my ‘Club Penguin’ blog I would become an Agent, at any age I wanted so I choose three. Thus begins my Chobots life.

I became very well known around the island of Chobots since I held a record, I was the youngest Chobot to become an Agent in history. I had some hurtful things said to me, but I learned how to handle it and become a better person, an Agent needs to always keep his cool. I then just couldn’t handle all the stress… So I went on ‘vacation’ from age 35-223 and while I was gone I let Mimja take care of Sparky2k9. Don’t worry, Support wasn’t the happiest about it but since I was honest I don’t get a punishment. I joined another game called ‘Runescape’ and loved that game, but I just missed Chobots and all my friends so one day I payed a visit back… I LOVED it so I told Mimja i’ve come back for my account… He wasn’t happy but he rightfully gave what was mine. Thus begins my new Chobots life.

I just recently came back to Chobots, age 223. I have played and played online games for so many years that I just don’t find myself happy with what I’ve done with my life… I mean I’m not fat because I’ve got a high metabolism but it might start to slow down when I get older… I realized that I was still getting all A’s but in the low 90′s which I am not proud of… Today I remember a great friend, his last words were ‘Sparky, i will miss you, we had great times, live life to the fullest.’ then he died… Yes, he had let us know before that he was dieing, he was more then a friend he was part of my ‘family’… He got in a horrible car crash and his mom got her head cut off RIGHT in front of him and he lost a major organ… He knew for 6 months he was going to die but he kept it from us until it was almost his time to go, it just went so fast, and next thing I know my closest online friend was not on this earth, but he still is in my soul… FreddyP9 I love you man, I miss you and watching your last video makes me cry every time… I watched it one last time today and cried… I then realized, he lived life to the fullest and was ready to die… I kept thinking what have I done with my life? Freddy woulnd’t be happy with me, so I was invited to the fair with a group of friends… I just then noticed how life felt when I wasn’t thinking about gaming, I left that house as Sparky2k9 and in the middle of the day I became… myself again, I helped my mom clean the house for the first time, I smelled the flowers… I realized life was GREAT without Chobots, but I couldn’t just leave you guys. I then returned to the fair again today to think, I had a lot of time and realized, I’ve missed out on 4+ years of my life… Completely wasted away on the computer. It’s time for me to realize Sparky2k9 isn’t me, it’s me pretending to be something I’m not, in real life I’m not such a great guy, but that should all change.

Wow guys, can u image this? I am so sorry for the loss of a great friend, and person. And also, please take what sparky said into consideration. If u are spending so much time on ur computer, you really need to take a break and spend some time with ur family. Chobots will be around for a while, but u could loose someone dear to u in the next minute. So thats something to think about. Once again guys, im sorry for the loss of FreddyP9. I know that some of u guys where really dear to him, and his story is one to think about for a long time.

Now a personal word from Sparky.

FreddyP9 was more then a friend… He was my family, without him I wouldn’t be here with you guys… I loved him the most a guy could love a friend, He was driving home when someone cut his mom off and they got in a terrible crash… The jerk her head forward and it just got cut off, he got stabbed in one of his main organs. He cried every night until a month after… He got a call from the doctor… The worst call a boy can get, he was going to die in 6 months from now… He didn’t let us know until he had 2 months left… I spent EVERY moment I could with that man, he was my hero. In his last few weeks he gave us the best time of our lives, he knew he was going to die no matter what and was still a great happy guy, he just sat there with a Coke can in his hand, barely being able to move giving us all a great time on the computer, he didn’t care he was going to die, he was living life to the fullest, and so should I… In the end, FreddyP9 could barely talk, so he left us for his last few hours to be with his loved ones… I then called him and his dad answered and I got the 2nd worse call ever… ‘I’m sorry, Sparky but he’s dead…’ I cried forever… Freddy, i will never forget you and that’s the truth. Everyone loved you, if we saved all the tears shed for you you would have a bunch of swimming pools filled… I miss you Freddy and every day I just wish your mom could have turned left, we would still probably be talking…

I would give ANYTHING for you back, FreddyP9… I just wish I could have called and said ‘turn left’… I guess life happens for a reason though...

We will always rember u FreddyP9



  1. your in my heart too FreddyP9 we will miss you dearly


  2. OMG im so sorry im gonna just ball my eyes out forever that was so sad and thats the truth R.I.P I'll miss you :'(
